Thursday Quick Hits: A 300-Mile Race; Candice Burt’s AZT Fastest-Known-Time Bid; Sara Hall’s Charity Effort at Boston

Some quick hits on a Thursday morning:

  • Because 255 Miles at the Cocodona 250 apparently is just not long enough, there’s a new ultra-ultra-ultra trail race, the Arizona Monster 300, on April 4-11, 2025. Registration for the race, which will traverse the arid landscape of the Sonoran desert and Catalina Mountains for 309 miles, opens tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. Click here. There’s no lottery; it’s fist come, first served.
  • Candice Burt, the ultrarunner who made headlines last year by running an ultramarathon (50Ks) for 200 straight days, has launched her bid to set the fastest-known time (supported) traversing the 800-mile Arizona Trail.

She’s documenting her attempt on social media. Currently, she’s on Day 3 (of, she hopes, 15 days and change) and in such a remote part of the trail (Mica Mountain in Saguaro National Park, a big climb) that there’s no access, or reception for social-media posts.

In her first two days, Burt, who is the owner of Destination Trail Races, specializing in 200-mile events, had logged 56 miles.

You can follow Burt’s progress via her Instagram account.

Candice Burt at the start of her AZT attempt, via her Instagram page.
  • Elite marathoner Sara Hall, supporting her Hall Steps Foundation, is racing the Boston Marathon on Monday in part of raise money for microloans for impoverished people i n Ethiopia. The link to donate is here.

Hall wrote on Instagram about her effort: “Every day it bothers me that there are people starving to death around the world when there is more than enough to prevent it. I’m committing my race to changing that. Please join me in giving loans to women so they can start a business and work their way out of poverty. This is one of the best ways I’ve seen to give aid because it gives individuals the dignity of being able to provide for their own families. The loans are then repaid and reinvested in another individual, so it keeps getting paid forward.”

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