Cool New Buffalo Park T-Shirt at Run Flagstaff Store

Fashionistas, take note: Run Flagstaff, the town’s award-winning running speciality store, has started carrying a line of T-shirts featuring iconic Buffalo Park (see photo above).

I definitely plan to get one, but here’s a terribly important existential question for you: Should we locals wear the Buffalo Park T-shirt around Flag, or should we save it for when we’re competing out of town to rep the city?

Part of me thinks that wearing the shirt in town might give folks the impression that we’re tourists — and nobody wants that. (Digression: More and more, I’m seeing the bumper sticker “The Locals Hate You” on the back of cars.) Another part of me thinks, forget all that; it’s a great shirt, so wear it wherever you please.

One clothing issue I will not waver on is this unwritten rule: Never wear the T-shirt you get for signing up for a race at that specific race. It’s just not done, people.

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